ACCA Exams Preparation - How Should I Prepare for ACCA Exams?

ACCA exams are one of the most flexible exams in the accounting world, giving students plenty of options for how they want to write their exams. Despite the flexibility afforded to ACCA students, the overall average pass percentage of ACCA students are 50%. Check out recent pass rates. This article will discuss how to prepare and the most important topics that must be covered to pass an ACCA exam.

By Finplan Edu ●Apr 18 2022

What is the most effective method of preparing for the ACCA exams?

To assist you in successfully preparing for the exams, ACCA provides various resources tailored to each one. These resources provide critical information to optimize your study time and utilize your knowledge of the syllabus to achieve success, examining team guidance and reports from previous sessions, exam-specific study support guides, syllabus details, specimen exams, past exam papers, and technical articles, etc. Besides this you can also get the assistance of a learning partner like FINPLAN to prepare yourself for this certification.

How long would it take to study for an ACCA exam?

On average, studying for all 13 papers of the exam can take two to three years, but you can complete the qualification in 18 months if you focus on the major eight papers.

How can I pass the ACCA exams?

While planning your study schedule, leave plenty of time for revision. Cover all sections ahead of time, and allow enough time for multiple revisions before the exam. You must learn and take the time to fully comprehend what you have learned. Understand what the ACCA exam examiners are looking for so that you can streamline your exam preparation. Also, be aware of the most common reasons for failure among students who have previously taken the exams. Please ensure that you correct it before taking the exams. The ACCA exam, as stated above, is not easy to pass. However, don't let this stress consume you as you prepare for the exam. Although you should study hard for the exam, please don't assume you don't have a life outside it. During the revision days, take some time to unwind. You will not be able to perform well if you are stressed about the exam.

Can I study ACCA on my own?

You can study part-time and from home, learning on your schedule. The full qualification syllabus takes an average of three years to complete. If you have an expert like FINPLAN to mentor you then it is easy to learn all the modules as per your convenience.

Is it hard to pass ACCA exams?

ACCA is a simple exam to pass if you are motivated and believe that it is not a necessary step in your career. You must have the proper mindset. As you progress, the difficulty level of ACCA exams will rise. You should remain focused on your purpose of why you are taking the course and seek ACCA coaching in Mumbai from a learning partner like FINPLAN to help you pass the exam.

What are the 13 ACCA exams?

The prestigious Chartered Accountancy Qualification, ACCA, is not for the faint of heart. Every student must complete three components of the ACCA Qualification on their way to becoming a full-fledged ACCA member. These components include ACCA Coursework Exams (13 papers), an Ethics and Professional Skills Module, and Practical Experience Requirements (PER).

The thirteen coursework modules are divided into two categories: fundamental (9 modules or papers) and professional (9 modules or papers) (4 modules or papers). Each year, there are four exam sessions, and a student can attempt up to eight different papers in a year.

F1 : Business and Technology (BT)
F2 : Management Accounting (MA)
F3 : Financial Accounting (FA)
F4 : Corporate and Business Law (LW)
F5 : Performance Management (PM)
F6 : Taxation (TX)
F7 : Financial Reporting (FR)
F8 : Audit and Assurance (AA)
F9 : Financial Management (FM)

Compulsory Courses
P1 : Strategic Business Leader (SBL)
P2 : Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)

Electives or Optional Courses
P3 : Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
P4 : Advanced Performance Management (APM)
P5 : Advanced Taxation (ATX)

The exams for the ACCA Qualification must be taken in modular order, As per the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Still, candidates are permitted to appear for the exams within each module in any order. The following are the ACCA exam fees:


Initial registration fee INR 8818/-
Re-registration fee INR 8818/-
Annual subscription 2020 fee INR 11494/-
Exemption fee for Applied Knowledge exams (fee per ACCA exam) INR 8322/-
Exemption fee for Applied Skills exams (fee per ACCA exam) INR 10998/-

Why do I keep failing my ACCA exams?

One of the most common reasons for ACCA exam failure is a lack of understanding of the concepts. Students spend far too much time memorizing rote knowledge rather than comprehending the underlying concepts. Knowledge can help you get a few extra points, but it will not get you a passing grade. Finplan helps its students in understanding the ACCA concepts in the most comprehensive and simplest way that can help them clear ACCA examinations with good marks.

Can I pass ACCA on the first attempt?

Few people pass their ACCA exams the first time. Much of your ACCA success is determined by how well you prepare, practice, and perform – not how much you know. On the other hand, a first-time pass can set you apart from the competition, especially in a competitive job market.

Are questions repeated in ACCA exams?

ACCA does not repeat questions, but you can understand the examiner's approach to writing queries by reviewing previous papers.

Is ACCA hard for the average student?

In India, the ACCA Course is in high demand. Many commerce students put in a lot of effort to become professional ACCAs. To become an ACCA, you must first pass exams in 13 ACCA papers across three levels, then complete an ethics module and gain three years of relevant work experience. (Source: All professional exams, including ACCA, are difficult to pass, but not when you are guided by the best learning partner like FINPLAN.


What is the ACCA exam pass mark?

For all exams, the passing mark for ACCA is 50%. If you receive in this range on any of the papers, you will pass that paper. ACCA exam pass rates are not proportional to ACCA pass marks. If you're still wondering how to pass ACCA exams, our experts at FINPLAN will prepare you to get those scores.

Final Thoughts

The ACCA is a demanded qualification, and passing the exam may be difficult. However, with the right attitude, preparation, study material, and mentorship of experts like FINPLAN , you can pass the exams with flying colors and practice your profession successfully. So do not waste your time any more, and enroll today to start your journey with us.


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